Sutshekhar Ras


Sold By: Aashirwad Mulay

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Sutshekhar Ras (SADHA) :

Dhootapapeshwar Sutshekhar Ras (Sadha) (also spelled as Sootshekhar Rasa or Sutshekhar Ras) is an important medicine used in ayurveda, which acts on PITTA DOSHA and reduces symptoms like heartburn, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, epigastric tenderness, hiccup, fever, breathing troubles, headache etc. It has wide range of indications.

Sutshekhar Ras can be given when PITTA is associated with AMA (toxins), the condition is called SAMAPITTA. The signs of SAMAPITTA are:

  • Heartburn (burning sensation in the chest)
  • Burning sensation in the throat
  • Acid Reflux
  • Foul smell
  • Heaviness (mainly associated with other symptoms of Pitta aggravation)
  • Headache with burning sensation and pain increases with head massage or pressure on the head, feeling of tenderness in head when pressed

Sutshekhar Ras is effective in all conditions in which these symptoms appear. It reduces TIKSHNA (Sharp or Penetrating power) and AMAL (Sourness) qualities of Pitta Dosha. Secondly, it also acts on VATA DOSHA and helps in all diseases occurring due to aggravation of Vata and Pitta together.

Medicinal Properties

  1. Aam Pachak (Detoxifier)
  2. Carminative
  3. Digestive Stimulant
  4. Antiulcerogenic
  5. Antacid
  6. Cholagogue (promotes the discharge of bile)
  7. Antispasmodic
  8. Cardioprotective
  9. Antianginal
  10. Antiarrhythmic
  11. Neuroprotective
  12. Anti-inflammatory
  13. Antioxidant
  14. Febrifuge
  15. Antitussive
  16. Anticonvulsant
  17. Antidepressant

Benefits & Medicinal Uses

As per above list, Sutshekhar Ras has wide range of indications. Its main action is on Pitta and Vata dosha and can be used in all diseases with aggravation of Pitta and Vata that are related with following organs:

  1. All organs of abdomen – stomach, liver, small intestine, large intestine, colon, pancreas, spleen, and gall bladder.
  2. Heart and blood vessels
  3. Brain and nerves
  4. Lungs

Gastritis, Hyperacidity, GERD, Heartburn, Acid Reflux

Sutshekhar Ras reduces the increased sourness and sharpness or penetrating powder of Pitta. These things are responsible for increasing acid production in the stomach and increasing the sensitivity of the gastric mucosa. The increased sensitivity leads to inflammation of the lining of the stomach, which is called gastritis. Same things occur in hyperacidity, heartburn, GERD or indigestion, but the mechanism may be different. For example, in heartburn and GERD, acid backs up into the food pipe due to irritated esophageal sphincter. The continuous irritation of the sphincter leads to its malfunctions. This irritation occurs due to increased sharpness of the Pitta dosha, according to ayurveda.

As Sutshekhar Ras acts on these things and restores the balance, so gives relief from all gastric diseases occurring due to this. Therefore, it is highly useful in hyperacidity, gastritis, GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), or acid reflux. It soothes the gastric mucosa, and linings of the oesophagus, and esophageal sphincter, which helps to reduce their irritation and ultimately cures these problems.

Loss of Appetite

Sutshekhar Ras is a good remedy when loss of appetite is linked with Pitta conditions like heartburn, acid reflux, or hyperacidity as discussed above. It maintains and restores the natural balance in acid secretion and reduces gastric irritation. The second action also appears on the mind and improves the desire to eat.

Many people with liver disorders also reported poor appetite. If Pitta is the main condition in other associated symptoms, then Sutshekhar Ras is useful. If condition is likely to be Kapha, then Arogyavardhini Vati is more beneficial.

Headache & Migraine

Sutshekhar Ras gives relief from headache and migraine. In particular, it provides relief from Vata and Pitta type headache characterized with following symptoms:

  • Throbbing pain
  • Pulsating pain
  • Migrating pain from front to back of the head
  • Stiffness
  • Anxiety
  • Shooting pain
  • Burning pain
  • Piercing
  • Penetrating pain
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Burning sensation in head or eyes
  • Pain worsen with hot sun, bright light or high temperature or by spicy food

All these symptoms denote the aggravated Vata and Pitta. Sutshekhar Ras provides relief in all these cases. In Pitta cases, Praval Pishti and Mukta Pishti should also be added for enhancing effects of Sutshekhar.

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Weight 0.499 kg
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