
Sold By: Aashirwad Mulay

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Mahabhringaraj Oil Benefits for Hair Fall and Grey Hair

Mahabhringaraj Oil (Tail) is potent ayurvedic and herbal hair growth oil. Well-prepared Mahabhringaraj Oil shows very good results in all types of hair problems. It promotes hair growth and stops hair fall. The second main effects of this oil appear on premature graying of hair. It increases smoothness and shine of the hair.

In addition to hair problems, Mahabhringaraj Oil also helps in headache, neck stiffness, weak eyesight, and ear diseases. In these diseases, nasal administration (Nasya) of Mahabhringaraj Tail is very useful and effective.

Medicinal Properties

Mahabhringaraj Oil has following healing properties.

  1. Hair growth stimulant
  2. Antidandruff
  3. Antimicrobial
  4. Antifungal
  5. Antipruritics (beneficial in scalp itching)
  6. Anti-inflammatory
  7. Improves Eyesight (Nasal Administration)

Therapeutic Indications

Mahabhringaraj Oil has two main indications:

  1. Hair Fall
  2. Premature graying of Hair

It is also beneficial for –

  • Dandruff
  • Broken Hair
  • Scalp Itching
  • Dry Scalp
  • Tinea Capitis – Fungal Infection

The Nasal Administration (Nasya) is helpful in –

  • Weak eyesight
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Neck stiffness
  • Lockjaw

Mahabhringaraj Oil Benefits for Hair

Mahabhringaraj Oil is natural herbal oil that prevents hair fall, hair loss and premature graying of hair. It acts on hair roots and nourishes them. It is likely to restores the hydrolipidic film of the scalp skin, clears dandruff, increases blood circulation to the scalp skin, and improves hair thickness and smoothness.

For maximum benefits, a gentle massage of the scalp with Mahabhringaraj Oil is required for at least 10 to 15 minutes on daily basis. Massage helps deeper absorption of Mahabhringraj Tail, which ultimately speeds up the hair growth.

In some cases with internal or hormonal problems, alone Mahabhringraj Oil may have little effects. In such conditions, following hair growth promoter & ayurvedic supplement should be also taken.

Hair Fall & Hair Loss

According to ayurvedic principles, hair fall and hair loss occurs due to excess VATA and PITTA. Sometimes, KAPHA may also associate with this VATA. KAPHA condition is found in people with excess oily and irritated scalp skin, dandruff with white or flaky white and greasy. In most cases, VATA aggravation is the most common cause of hair fall and hair loss. The general symptoms of VATA aggravation are dry scalp and dandruff with smaller flakes.

Mahabhringraj Oil is highly effective in all types of hair conditions. It balances and pacifies aggravation of all three DOSHA. Mahabhringraj tel pacifies VATA aggravation, detoxifies PITTA and balances KAPHA Dosha.

Massage with Mahabhringaraj Oil increases blood circulation to the skin of scalp and improve nourishment to the hair roots. Secondly, Mahabhringaraj Tel itself provides nourishment to under-nourished hair follicles, which ultimately promotes hair growth and make stronger hair. Mahabhringaraj Oil is also effective in following cases:

  1. Scalp Itching
  2. Dry Scalp
  3. Bad smelly scalp
  4. Thin hair
  5. Broken hair

Premature Graying of Hair

Bhringraj, the main ingredient of Mahabhringraj Oil prevents premature graying of hair. Well-prepared Mahabhringraj Oil promotes restoration of natural color of hair. This oil regular application may take 3 to 6 months to show good results. In addition to Mahabhringraj Oil massage, above formulation (hair growth promoter & ayurvedic supplement) should be taken to correct other causes of the premature graying of hair.

Additional information

Weight 0.251 kg
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