Bahumutrantak Ras :
Seva Sadan Bahumutrantak Ras is very good medicine for treating urine related problems like loss of semen, frequent urination, etc.
Benefits of Bahumutrantak Ras
- It is excellent medicine for Prameha, Madhumeha, Shukra kshaya, Oj kshaya, and Dhatu shaithilya.
- It is Vajikarak or Aphrodisiac.
- It improves Shukra Dhatu.
- It works on urinary and reproductive organs.
- It balances Kapha and Vata Dosha.
- It helps in urinary disorders.
- It cures anemia.
Important Therapeutic Uses of Bahumutrantak Ras
This medicine is indicated in Bahumutra, Prameha, Seminuria, Impotency, Premature Ejaculation, Thin Semen, Low Sperm Count, Soma Rog, etc.
1- Prameha Roga
Prameha (chronic urinary disorders; ‘pra’ means excess and ‘meha’ means to pass urine so ‘prameha’ means disease in which excess urine is passed). In Ayurveda, twenty different types of Prameha are described and they are put under vataj, pittaj and kaphaj category according to dosha. Madhumeha (‘Madhu’ means sweet and ‘meha’ means pass urine) is a subtype of Prameha. It is classified under the Vata dosh category.
2- Bahumutra Roga
In Ayurveda, Bahumutra is being classified as a variety of Prameha. It can be related to modern medical term Polyuria.
Polyuria is defined as the production of abnormally large volumes of dilute urine. In Polyuria, an adult person produces greater than 2.5 or 3 L urine over 24 hours.
3- Seminuria
Seminuria is defined as excretion of urine containing semen.
The Dosage of Bahumutrantak Ras
- The recommended dosage of medicine is 1 tablet.
- It should be taken twice a day, in the morning and evening.
- It is to be taken according to disease.
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Weight | 0.028 kg |
by A Venkateshwara Rao
It is an exlent for old age parents urinary problem of freequent