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Suvarna Malini Vasant Ras :

Suvarna Malini Vasant Ras is an immunity enhancer and antibiotic medicine used for treatment of chronic fevers, general fatigue, weakness after fever or any wayward disease such as tuberculosis or heart diseases. Swarna Malini Vasant has its great curative action in splenomegaly (spleen enlargement), liver enlargement, hepatitis A, B, C and other types as well, malaria fever, productive cough, nervine weakness, cervicitis and other uterus infections and chronic headache.

If your doctor has prescribed Swarna Malini Vasant for treatment of any of above disease, you should take it at least 15 days for a better result. It is also very beneficial for weakness due to old age, excessive exercises, and mental fatigue.

It is mainly effective in diseases related to following organs:

  1. Lymphatic system & Lymph node infections
  2. Diseases of liver and spleen
  3. Diseases of uterus especially infections


  1. Suvarna Malini Vasant Ras
  2. Vasant Malti Ras
  3. Swarn basant malini
  4. Swarnmalini vasant
  5. Suvarnamalini Vasant
  6. Swarna Malini Vasant ras
  7. Basantmalini ras (gold)
  8. Sarv rogo basant

Uses & Detailed Indications

Chronic fever

It has instant effects in chronic fever. However, if your body temperature is 99 ° or lower than 99 °, your conventional health care provider will not reckon it as fever, but you will feel weakness in the body, then the Swarna Malini Vasant Ras is the best choice for you. However, it should be taken with Praval Pishti and sitopaladi churna (ayurvedic medicines available in powder form) for better results.

Swarna Malini Vasant has imitated action as of all antibiotics, so it kills the microbes and stops their growth in the human body. However, there is also one great difference i.e. the person feels weakened, when he is on antibiotic treatment, but when a person is being treated with Swarna Malini Vasant Ras, his weakness is alleviated and he feels some strength in his body.


Vasant Malti Ras is used for anemia associated with excessive uterine bleeding or internal loss of blood due to any underlying cause. It can be given to children, women, pregnant women, as it is beneficial for all. It contains zinc as main mineral. Researches show that zinc is an essential mineral for the stimulation of RBCs formation.


Suvarnamalini Vasant is an immunity enhancer and strengthening ayurvedic medicine, which can be used in tuberculosis to boost immunity of person to fight off the infection. It is also noted that resistant tuberculosis is well treated with it. It may be an expensive medicine, but results are better than conventional T.B. medicines in resistant tuberculosis.

General weakness

Some people complaint that they are experiencing fever like symptoms. However, they are not suffering from fever clinically. In this condition, Basantmalini ras (gold) is a drug of choice along with parwal pisti. Some detoxifying medicines (ama-pachaka) should be used such ginger, vacha, trikatu etc.


The general dosage of Swarna Malini Vasant Ras is as follows.
Children 2.5 mg per Kg Weight, but maximum 65 mg twice daily
Adults 65 to 150 mg *
Maximum Possible Dosage 300 mg Per Day (in divided doses) **
Twice a day
** The maximum dosage of Swarna Malini Vasant Ras is a general estimate.
Best Time to Take: An hour Before Meal or 2 hours after meal



Adjuvants for Swarna Malini Vasant Ras are according to the health conditions. In general, it can be used with water.

Health Condition Best Suitable Adjuvant
Weakness & Debility Sitopaladi Churna + Honey and Ashwagandha
Diseases of Lungs & Airways Pippali Churna (long pepper) +  Honey
Tuberculosis or Phthisis Abhrak Bhasma + Sitopaladi Churna + Honey


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Weight 0.020 kg
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