Unmadgaj kesari Rasa
Unmadgaj kesari Rasa is herbo-mineral Ayurvedic medicine which is useful in treating unmaad (hysteria) and various other psychiatric diseases.
Unmad Gajkesari Rasa is herbo-mineral Ayurvedic medicine containing Parada, Gandhaka, Manahshila, Dhattura beeja as its ingredients and Vacha kwatha, Brahmi swarasa as Bhavana Dravyas. It is useful in treating Unmad and various other psychiatric diseases.
The literal meaning of word ‘Unmad’ in Sanskrit is Insanity. In Ayurvedic terms, Unmad can be related to Psychosis. It is a broad term which includes variety of mental ailments. This condition is characterized by abnormal psychological and physico-psychological activities.
Unmad Gajkesari Rasa, is indicated in conditions when the person shows insanity with hyper activity as the medicine is sedative and hypnotic.
Sedative-hypnotic are those agents which induces sleep and depress or slow down the body’s functions. They are central nervous system (CNS) depressants and slow down your brain activity, causing relaxation or drowsiness.
Do not use this information to self-diagnose and self-medicate.
Important Therapeutic Uses of Unmad Gajkesari Ras
Unmad Gaja Kesari Rasa, is indicated in psychiatric and psycho-somatic disorders. It possesses sedative and hypnotic activities.
- Apasmara (Epilepsy)
- Bhutonmada (Exogenous psychosis)
- Jvara (Fever) with psychiatric symptoms
- Unmada (Mania/Psychosis)
- Schizophrenia
When this medicine is given to a person infected with Rabies, it inhibits the secretion along with salivation and mania by controlling the vitiated Vata and Kapha.
The Dosage of Unmad Gajkesari Ras
- The recommended dosage of medicine is 1-2 Tab.
- It should be taken twice a day, in the morning and evening.
- It is to be taken with ghee, honey, or betel leaves juice.
- Or take as directed by a doctor.
Additional information
Weight | 0.051 kg |
by Somnath Thombare