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Dhootapapeshwar Yogaraj Guggul 1000TAB Benefits

  • Fights arthritis
  • Helps with sciatica
  • Eases carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Helps with fibromyalgia
  • Tackles premenstrual syndrome

Yograj guggulu is an ayurvedic formulation made with 28 herbs, with guggulu as its main component. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties and is used to tackle problems like arthritis, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and PMS. It may also be useful in depression and gastrointestinal problems.

A delicately balanced herbal formulation which combines 28 herbs – that’s yograj guggulu for you.

  •  Yograj Guggulu helps remove toxins which can lead to obesity,  joint pain, arthritic conditions, muscle aches, and rheumatism. It  was traditionally used as a remedy for gout. It reduces Vata and  Kapha doshas and is an effective adjunct to weight loss along  with proper exercise and diet.
  •  Supports comfortable movement of the joints and muscles.
  •  Rejuvenates and strengthens the skeletal and neuromuscular  systems.
  •  Promotes healthy elimination of toxins.
  •  Yograj Guggulu is a traditional formula designed to reduce excess  vata in the system. It is particularly useful for accumulated vata  in the joints and muscles, which may be indicated by cracking or  popping of the joints, tics, spasms or tremors. Chronic  accumulation may lead to such serious conditions as rheumatism  and arthritis. In vata-type arthritis, the joints may feel cold to the  touch and although not necessarily swollen, they may be dry and  painful, especially upon movement. Yogaraj Guggulu contains a  synergistic blend of detoxifying herbs, including Triphala, Chitrak  and Vidanga, that work in conjunction with guggulu to remove  excess vata from the joints as well as the nerves and muscles.

Recommendation with Dhootapapeshwar Yogaraj Guggul 1000TAB:

  1. Maharasnadi kadha.
  2. Mahavatvidhwansan Ras.
  3. Ultra Ortho.

Use under medical supervision.

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