Yogendra Rasa :
Yogendra Rasa is an Ayurvedic medicine which is used to treat wide variety of ailments. It is especially useful in Vata-vikar, prameha (urinary disorders), heart diseases (weakness of heart, high BP) and nerves disorders. It is, nutritive, anti-paralytic and cardiac tonic. This medicine improves memory and cures various diseases of heart and brain. It also helps to cure weakness after illness. If due to stress, tension, anxiety there is feeling of physical and mental weakness this medicine should be used.
Yogendra Rasa is Swarna-Kalpa. Swarna-kalpa are those Ayurvedic medicines which contain Swarn Bhasma. Swarna bhasma is good for memory, brain and the whole body.
In Yogendra Rasa, Swarn Bhasma is one of the ingredient. It is a Swarnakalpa.
Here is given more about this medicine, such as benefits, indication/therapeutic uses, composition, and dosage.
Ingredients of Yogendra Ras
- Rasa Sindura (Parada) 1 Part
- Svarna bhasma 1/2 Part`
- Kantaloha bhasma (Lauha) 1/2 Part
- Abhra (Abhraka) bhasma 1/2 Part
- Mauktika (Mukta) bhasma 1/2 Part
- Vanga bhasma 1/2 Part
- Kumari rasa (Lf.) Q.S. (for mardana)
Benefits of Yogendra Ras
- It gives strength to heart.
- It cures variety of diseases including prameha.
- It gives strength to nerves, and cures sperm disorders, night fall, thinning of sperms, premature ejaculation.
- It is a tonic that increases vigor and fertility.
- It improves digestion.
- It is especially useful in paralysis that is caused due to vata-pitta dosha.
Important Uses of Yogendra Ras
- Bahumutra (Polyuria), Prameha (Urinary disorders)
- Vataroga (Disease due to Vata dosha)
- Apasmara (Epilepsy), hysteria (excessive or uncontrollable emotion)
- Vertigo (feeling of dizziness as if everything is moving or spinning)
- Paraplegia (paralysis of the lower half of the body)
- Bhagandara (Fistula-inano), Arsha (Haemorrhoids)
- Vatapitta Roga (Disease due to Vata dosha and Pitta dosha)
- Mutraghata (Urinary obstruction)
- Guda Roga (Anorectal disease)
- Murccha (Syncope)
- Unmada (Mania/Psychosis)
- Yakshma (Tuberculosis)
- Kshin indriya (Impaired senses)
- Colicky Pain, Amlapitta (Dyspepsia)
- Coronary artery disease, cures weakness of heart, palpitations
- All kinds of nervous debility, diseases of joints
The Dosage of Yogendra Rasa
1 tablet once or twice a day with honey for acidity, with Triphala water for hysteria, with Arjun bark decoction in cardiac problems or as directed by a physician.
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Additional information
Weight | .025 kg |
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