Vatkulantak Ras is an Ayurvedic medicine. This medicine contains aromatic animal origin product Kasturi which is obtained from belly of male musk deer found in the Himalayan region. Vaatkulantak Ras is useful in the treatment diseases related to the nervoussystem, brain and various diseases caused due to vitiation of vata dosha.
Uses of Vatkulantak Ras
- Vata roga (Diseases due to derangement of vata dosha)
- Apasmara (epilepsy)
- Murchha roga (Fainting)
- Hysteria
- Paralysis
- Tremors
- Insomnia
- Tingling sensation in the legs
- Sannipata jwara
The Dosage of Vaatkulantak Ras
1 tablet 3-4 times a day or as directed by a physician. This medicine should be taken under medical supervision only.
Key Ingredients of Vatkulantak Ras
12 grams each of Kasturi (Mriga nabhi), Shudh (purified) Parad, Shudh Gandhak, Naagkeshar, Shudh Mansheel, Baheda, Jaiphal, Ela, Laung; Processed in Brahmi Swaras
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Additional information
Weight | 0.04 kg |
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